I have a list of the events that I know. But I have made it with notes that I had on a paper, so I don't know the exact terms neither all the clues. It'd be nice if other peoples may correct and complete it. It's just a proposition and really needs to be completed! \:\/

VV1 Events

A villager finds a mysterious vial filled with: If he drink it:
A red liquid - ?
A (watery) fizzy liquid - Loose his skills
A (watery) blue liquid - Gain some skills
A oily blue liquid - Makes him younger, child.

A villager finds a crate: If he open it:
A (large, small) wooden crate - Gains food
A (small, large) carefully sealed crate - Tools and instruments – gains tech points
A (small, large) badly weathered crate - Tools and instruments – gains tech points But: peoples are ill
A (large) painstakingly, well prepared, watertight crate- Find some infants
A (large, small) rotting wooden crate- Rats cause injuries
A (small, large) rotten, half-eaten old fruit crate- Great, many, giant, deadly spiders

A mysterious face in the trees: - get a closer look __ it's a Master Farmer (or disappears)
- decide to ignore

Old drum: - open it__ find an old healer's diary and become master healer

A trouble child seems to be prodigy: - let him farming __ adept farmer?
- let him research __ master scientist + 3000 tech points?

A trapped whale on the beach: - freeing the trapped whale __ gain a level of Spirituality
- using it for food __. gain 2000 food

Black pearl: - share with the others _ give hope and inspiration

The moth: wait and see __ gain skills

Strange mushroom that rapid sprout and decay following the rain: - eat it __ very sick and overcome

Strange berry:

The dream: - enter the left cave __ painting on the wall (the story of Isola)

Brass compass: give it to researcher __

The visitor (in a boat?): - allow him to gather samples __ gain medicine level

Suspicious monkey: - chase it __ injuries – weakened at 40%
-wait and see __ healing skills

Good little monkey __ 6300 tech points
Bad little monkey __ loose tech points
The greedy little monkey hide some food __ more food

Barrel with children

Measles Epidemic __ all the children are sick

East wind restores the berries and crops
South wind makes all the cultivations dry?
North wind regenerate crops and berries
Hot wind: works are slow

A might storm or a typhoon: food at 0

Plague of locust__ crops: 0

Invasion of parrots __ berries: 0

The helpful Honeybees __ more berries

Big wave let some debris on the beach

Blessing day celebration
Isola day celebration

Edited by laurence (09/02/07 03:29 PM)
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