Hi Brenda!

What I mean by evolution is not like ape to human, but more like environment changes.

I'll give some examples what might happen in an evolving rpg:

1. Player gets older, so time is limited on what he/she will explore. Your attributes change as you age. You start off at 12 fairly weak but energetic and alert. At 18-25 is your peak strength, 25-35 much smarter and more controlled, 35-45 more efficient and getting weaker, etc.

2. Animal and Plant life changes bases on other animals, pants, people, weather, etc. I would like to see a young animal grow or a small tree grow very large. Everything should have it's own age and grow scales.

3. Threatening hostiles: Orcs taking over a bear cave, goblins attacking the city, thieves and bandits wandering the nearby woods and villages.


Those are just a small list of what I would like to see, just need to really write down everything. Village Sim opened my eyes about virtual life. I think a good game using ideas from village sim, fish tycoon, plant tycoon and little palm pet with and rpg feel of the main character would make a great game.

I get bored easy when I play most rpgs because they are repetitious. When I go to the same area, zone, or location and I see something new, It keeps my interest. Village sim is a good example of that.

