Get started:

Step1-Get 1 villager to fishing,have some trys.When He/She can fish go to step2 or keep trying!He/She can get food.
Step2-Get all the adult villager(not the one you teached fishing) to the reserch table.You might need to try more than 1 times.
Step3-Start the fire.Get some wood and dry leaves and let someone start the fire.
Step4-Let someone learn all the strange plants,the can keep the healthy.


-If you are new to the game choose 1/2 speed.They will eat less food but the same work.When you got L2 of food,you can do the 1speed but it's a little bit dangerous!-Put a lot people in the reserch table (not when you bought all techs)
-Watch out for collections!Sometimes they can give you tech points.
-Don't make babies until you bought L2Food or L2Build.
-(At start)If you have more than 200 food,you don't need to worry about food now.
-If you just start the game when you are not playing PAUSE it.
Thanks arnie laurence and others for helping me!

Edited by Lailai (07/20/07 12:17 PM)
Hello smile