I normaly start a game after I've had lunch. I start a game, then go right through the night. I first get second level science then food, building, food then medicine.In the meantime, I gather mushrooms and collectables. My first baby comes after the hut is built. Then one every two hours after that. A lot depends on the events that I have as well. If I don't like an event I restart the game to see if I can get a better one.really , my priority is food and medicine, buildings can be done any time. If I don't have anything for the builders, I train them on other jobs, so that they become elders. I use children as healers as this gives them a start in something. While I play, I take snapshots of the game. It gives me happy memories of my tribe and I can remember some of my special villagers.
Take care of the pennies, and the pounds take care of themselves.
I'm a female \:\) \:\) \:\)