With LadyCFII recently telling us what CFII meant, I thought it would be a good ideal for peeps to share how and what meaning their NIC's mean. Here is mine.

VillageIdiot came about from to different forks if you will. It all started several years ago on a youth mission trip. Knowing the youth pop culture I’ve memorized as many quotes from movies that kids can relate to. One of the most popular at the time was Napoleon Dynamite with “Flipp’n Idiot” which I apparently used to much during the trip, so they nicked name me “The Flipp’n Idiot.” LOL So when I joined Last Day of Work’s forum after getting the palm game Village Sim I decided a good user name for the board would be TheVillageIdiot. Up to that time I’ve used a lot of different user names, all associated with the particular board, but figured I would just simplify things and stick to one. Before that time I did however have another that I liked, “Worb” and still use that on a few as well as IM. I always had a running bet with the youth, if they could figure out what it meant I would buy them dinner. At this time I have not had to pay up.
The VI