what are you doing enjoying the pond? your a 14yr old trainee! you havent earned it yet, get back to work!
oh, sure! enjoy that pond while half the villiage is sitting in the hospital sick and your the only doctor in the villiage
sometimes I log into one of my villiages to see a woman in the middle of the ocean and her status says nothing. so i pick her up to put her back in to fish and see that she is holding a baby. What is this? virtual post pardom depression???
there is a stew that can be made that makes everyone, including the adults go to the bathroom. my son put a nursing mother to eat the stew and when she ran over to use the bathroom she kneeled over, (as some of the kids do) but it looks like she is setting the baby down where everyone goes. he told me that the mother put the baby down in the poo when she had to go and asked why she wasent washing the baby when she was done.