LadyCFII I have been posting all day. I have been away from the forum for awhile and didn't know that you had lost your dog Mysti. We have a dog named Duke who is so much part of our family that we can't even bare to think of him leaving us. He is now 16 years old. You would never know it he is still so playful,but he can no longer hear.
I have a black cat named ash who is a year and a mini pincher named kokakola who is 6.And I never could understand anyone who cried over losing an animal before.Because they have actually had funerals for thier pets.
But a couple of years ago we had a mini pincher named chandie.She was the cutest and the sweetest little thing who was hit by a hit and run driver.I never felt such a loss in my life.And my other animals I feel the same about.
So you have my most deepest sympathy.And even though your new puppy won't take mystis place,there is always room for more.So again I am so sorry for your loss.
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.