Originally Posted By: melikevv
my cat died 2 months ago it was sad \:\(

I also had a cat. she was like only 1 when she ran away. I couldn't stop crying. Barbara, at least you got to see her for more than i did my kitten. Her name was Kaytie. It has probally been a year since she ran away. she is either dead or with a good family or with a bad family or at the SPCA. sometimes i still go to that website to see if she is still there. If you ever see a gray tabby with black stripes. get her and say "Kaytie". she will wag her tail. that is the only way to tell. and she has no claws. I really want her home so if you find her PM me please. My dad won't let me get another cat, but my mom said if she came back he would let me keep her. Please look for her if you are in Houston,Texas.