My newest thing "said" is actually the tribe name I chose. *Dangitbetterworkiens* They are my Dangit it better work this time around tribe! I bought my first game from Reflexive and a friend went and tried to "fix it" for me while I grabbed a nap. Had I asked him to leave it alone and wait for Barbara to PM me back with the "fix", I could have kept it going from the last part of the gong problem. Anywho, by the time I woke up from my nap and read her reply PM, it was too late for my tribe files to be backed up!

The *Dangitbetterworkiens* name of my new tribe is so long that it kind of half 'hides' behind the delete button on the choose tribe screen! LoL They sure working hard to try and make it NOT work tho! Darn annoying little peoples!

As always, having a blast!
Have a loverly day!