It was originally intended for the farmers to have extra hours of daylight for working the crops.

Once upon a time, there were no computers (GASP), electronic gadgets, cell phones or cordless phones. In fact, most people didn't have televisions (oh, these were only in black & white) and usually only one telephone in a home. There were very few automobiles on the roads and the milkman and breadman delivered to your door everyday.

During this time, the farmers were aplenty because the government didn't pay them to not farm. These farmers and their families needed to supply the stores with vegetables and fruit to make money. So, Uncle Sam, came up with this great idea called "Daylight Savings Time" to change the clock by one hour which would provide more time to work the fields before darkness set in.

Unfortunately, in the real world it doesn't stay daylight all the time like on Isola.