My first game, I only re-named those with duplicate names or ones that were too weird to remember, changing these to actual Hawai'ian names. (Kimo, Keala, etc) Now on my 2nd game and am giving them US / European names and giving the 2nd & subsequent generations "surnames" which are a combo of their parents names so I can remember who is whose kid. Oh, and I'm databasing them in Excel with year of birth, year of death, parents, grandparents, etc. Managed to avoid inbreeding in generation 2 and minimize it in generation 3 (Some was inevitable, as I started game with 2 females). So far, this is part of the fun of the game, although it might sound a little OCD. Whether I keep it up by game 3 (or whether it starts driving me nutso by the time I get over 50 people), time will tell.
-- Kathryn C