You mean you wouldn't name your daughter Tuna?

Maybe I should start a colony of villagers with real (and I mean really horrible) names that real people have given their kids. I read somewhere that there are actually a lot of babies named Female (rhymes with tamale) because people thought that the hospitals had named their kid for them. Then there was my teacher friend who had a student whose name was the same as the technical term for certain female parts because the mother didn't know what the word meant and thought it was pretty, or the kid I have named Irbeng because his mother couldn't spell Irving. Oy. Or I could name all the boys Isabella, since for some reason I have several male students whose middle names are Isabella. I don't ask why. Then I have a friend with an Uncle Red and Uncle Blue. A friend with a second cousin named Nylon. And one I can't put in here because it is actually a bad word.

I don't even want to talk about what celebrities are naming their children nowadays. Did you know that Sly Stalone has a daughter named Sage Moonblood? While I think Sage is a pretty name, who on earth names their child Moonblood? His other 3 daughters have the same middle name. Rose. Apparently trying to make up for Moonblood.

I'm thinking Tuna might be a good choice. *sigh*
Why is it that if someone tells you that there are 1 billion stars in the universe you will believe them,
but if they tell you a wall has wet paint you will have to touch it to be sure?