This thread has now convinced me that I'm not the only one who yells at their villagers!!!

I needed a lot of tech points to get the next level of science, but all my villagers suddenly got fixated on doing laundry instead of research. No matter WHAT I did with them they refused to do anything but laundry :(. I left them to it once to see what would happen and out of a population of 15 adults 9 of them were doing laundry! It's a very good thing I live on my own because some of the words I said to them were not ladylike at all!

I also got ones who just wanted to push the boulder or inspect the cactus all the time. I got so frustrated once that I ended up dropping all 10 of my adult villagers into the ocean and not letting them come out for at least three minutes of real time!

I'm also very glad I'm not the only one who accidentally breeds my villagers. I usually do that when I put them at the research table or unblocking the creek or restoring the ruins or somewhere else where lots of them need to be gathered together. I once ended up with four new nursing mothers that way!