Oh Wow, I'll NEVER get out of bed then !!Fluffy mattress, my dog, floaty music and dreamy medicine............ oh yea !! You can just leave the pic of the mouse though.... thats about as far as I want to go with that one though LOL !! I never realised about the US connotation though LOL !! It must be living with all you lot that's doing it, I'm beginning to forget my roots or else being the only one from BONNIE SCOTLAND I was just TOO homesick. Surely there is somebody else in Scotland who plays and is addicted to VV !! We are not a stupid race of people and I've never been unique at ANYTHING in my life LOL !!
When you are done redecorating I could always astral travel through the wall and visit you all in person.......of course I won't be able to speak,,,,,,, but maybe thats a good thing eh ?? !!