Steaks do sound good, not from a longhorn though... I'll see what I can do about bribing a restaurant for some prime beef. I know you want the pelt, would you like the long horns to go with it? You can use them as a coat rack. PRETEND your dog is there?? Why don't I just bring the dog? (by the way, how is Bonnie? Is she working out with your neighbor?).

Moving right along... huh... RED velveteen, WHITE fur, BLUE sky... red, white, & blue (with STARS no less). You ARE from Scotland, right? Why don't I just bring one of our flags... hahahahaha. Could just bring a Republic of Texas flag (also red, white and blue... but only one star - it's BIG, it could work). Hang that from the ceiling to remind you that someone from Texas is thinking of you. And we all say: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Personally, I was thinking of a nice fluffy mattress, lots of pillows, some plants (you DO have a window, don't you?) Even here, you have a window so you can look out and watch the world go by. I guess it's suppose to be some kind of incentive to leave the room and be IN the world. "They" don't know who they are messing with... JOIN the world.. who's insane?? Assume the correct yoga position and chant with me: v v twoooooooooo .... v v twooooooooo. Remember to breathe...

Which brings me to another subject. HOW do you forget to breathe? Remember to breathe correctly, okay I got it... but to simply BREATHE... once again, WHO needs locking up? That's one of the AUTOMATIC things you're body does, it doesn't forget to do it. Unless there are some drastic medical reasons but that's really off the subject.

WHERE was I??? Oh yes... chanting. OHHHHHHHH... just remembered, Maura said something about aromatherapy.. some CANDLES, celtic music. I can do without the bagpipes but LOVE the harps!!!! Got PLENTY of that..oh oh oh... and have some miniture water falls... ahhhhhhh, THIS is the life. scoot over would ya... phooey, this is YOUR room... "They" do say, give a gift that you, yourself, would like. Are you SURE you don't want a fluffy mattress to go with that pelt?!?!?!