OHHHHHHHH ANJI!!!!!!!!!! How HORRIBLE... are you SURE it's not just a nightmare?!?!?!? Speaking of which, I have actually DREAMED about this game and REMEMBER the dream. THAT'S scary.

As a matter of fact, I HAVE been chanting V V TWOOOOOO. The "nice" medication helps but with reading where Arthur and Carla have been working and that THEY have been having fun with developing V V2. Life is NOT fair!!! If I could JUST get out of this straight jacket... MONK!!! WHERE are you???? Remember the part about "love" and how you try to live by that???? MERCY!!!!!! I'll repent calling you a name (male being a four-letter word). We can NOT let Anji stay in a room that is so awful. We need to at least redecorate it for her... Maura will bring the wine (as opposed to whine.. clearing throat)... hmmmm, since I'm from Texas... I know, I'll bring the longhorn steer. That should be a treat, when she gets tired of it, we can all come over for steaks. Just watch where we step and it'll be fine. Depending on how long it lives, the smell might be a little overpowering but in an insane asylum... that's par for the course. A few gas masks... hey... PARTY!!!