Heloooooooo Tink!! Glad you surfaced! Yes, we're all a bit "dazed and confused" since the RA fiasco, but hopefully, settling into our new home!!

Well, surf, now don't go tearing your hair out, it's not worth it, even though a leading cosmetic/hair company says you are!!

Gohill, I hate to tell you this, but your post isn't green! I figured out my error, and I'm hardly an expert navigating this site, but if you want to use a colour font, select your colour and type between the two brackets (colour:) and (/colour)...we spell colour with a "u" over here, haha! Also, one other little tip if you haven't discovered it yet, when you select a thread to view, scroll down to bottom of page and under quick reply there is a thread box. When you click that, you can view posts as a thread view as in Real Arcade, very good, haha!!

Jer and gohill, I bumped the post called "the oldest villager" for you to cast your eagle eyes over, any thoughts??

Oh, and I posted two poems on the poetry thread. One is the only thing I salvaged from RA forum, the Letter to Arthur thread, and yes, I know some of you don't agree with the sentiments expressed in that, haha!! The other is a short, funny (hopefully) and a little naughty poem (which I've just discovered has been slightly censored, haha!!), hope you enjoy them!!

Had to share,

Best of Irish,