JIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tears falling from eyes.... YOU'RE HERE!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO glad to "see" you!!!!!!!!! I think you are really going to like it here... all kinds of gadgets to mess with... right up your alley. Now, if you'll tell me how to use this stupid machine - just keep throwing me into (mind the wires would ya) - I "might" be able to figure out how to get an image under my username. I tried "edit" on the profile, didn't take. And what does UBB mean anyway?? And what's a Graemlin?? Another name for "smiley" pictures?? Code... yeah, I've got your code. Signature to post... WHAT?!?!?!

Hey... did you happen to see Tink while you were swimming over here?!?!?!