Dearest Cass,
So Sorry it has taken so long to reply to you. I'm having internet connection problems today.

Sorry to tell you that I have not figured out a 12 step program. . . I have tried to "push boulders" (meaning running off to play other games) but I just can't stay away to long. Mostly it's the people that I have met because of the game that keep me hooked. The reference to the 12 step program was a joke I added to my introduction here and my friends took it up and ran with it. Gohill answered that one perfectly. We joke about the white coats coming... "Put down the mouse and back away from the computer... the nice men in the white coats will be there soon with some nice medicine to calm you down..." We say this when one of us gets a bit too emotional about something a villager did or didn't do... hahhah Which is often!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone... I will search for IBTeri's 12 step program! (It's a bit different navigating here than I'm used to...)