OH... was that YOUR wallet?!?!? I suppose this means you want your money back...

As for your question, have not seen that particular anomaly but it makes sense. If everything stops, so would the aging.

Started my (test) game again... oldest is now 71 and will check back in about an hour to see if he makes it to 72. Only have 2 elderly, next being 68. My triple masters are as young as 44... double masters are still in their 20's. I'm still curious to see if the ones I didn't push as hard live longer than the ones I did. But, I do put it on pause when I can't check ages every hour or two (they are mean to me here, they only let me out of my straight jacket when I promise to behave.. that's HARD!!). I'm TRYING not to be AS obsessive but... haven't completed Grace's 12 step program for V V addicts. Just can't seem to stop myself from training the little critters.