Hello everyone, thanks for the warm welcomes!!!

Hi drought, grace,jer, gohill, et al!!!

I just left a post on the general discussion board on RA wondering where tink, jimmynexus and dansmot are!!!

Also, got a reply from my e-mail to RA. I complained about the closing down of the forum and had asked them if they could at least reinstate the last week of our posts, or something. Anyway, the first reply was that she couldn't see a problem with the forum as she was looking at it and thought it was possibly my connection. I replied that the game had been pulled and everything else with it!!

I don't know what she was looking at, but, got two replies today, first acknowledging problem and telling me I'd been "elevated". Now, I'm not too crazy about heights but I suppose a little "elevation" won't hurt, haha!!

So, third reply from Mike at Real Networks Level 2 Tech Team, very nice and supportive, he should have been a doctor, great bedside manner, haha!!

Well, he said and I quote "that my case had been elevated due to the severity of it", don't you love "tech speak" and that he apologised for any inconvenience, ahhhhh!!

Goes on to say, "As I understand this, the VV board is no longer available. I can help you with this. I have reported this to the Real Arcade team for correction as quickly as possible." Love and Kisses, Mike (no he didn't say that last bit, but I know he wanted to,haha!!

So, maybe RA will reinstate the board and then again maybe not, it's in the lap of the dogs, sorry, gods, haha!!

Just thought I'd share,

Best of Irish,