Okay, here's some of mine.

Why are you going to the cemetary to complain? Nobody's going to HEAR you.

Who coughed? You're a Master Doctor go find them. Hmmm guess it was ME then. Come heal my hand and shoulder from dragging all the clueless around.
One more typoon and I need a wrist brace Doc.

Three typhoons and THIS is the thanks I get. More babies to feed and carpal tunnel.

All those tech points I wasted, I buy you the best of science technology and you STILL can't make a fire??

I TOLD you not to eat that last crate of steaks. Did you listen?? 4 sick, 1 dead eating raw meat.Stoopid Barbarians!!

I'm SORRY you just like the dark, pray in the temple for a crate of sunscreen, I can't help you. You like water?? kerplunk!!

I know, I know, what's a gift of 2000 tech points for just to waste now? We already bought out the company store. Can't eat them can we now? We need birth control not points!

You are a Master Farmer and Master Doctor and you are picking berries for 2 points in a famine?? DO THE MATH !

I got 14 Master Farmers hauling in 12 crabs at a time and you pick berries? Vegetarian?? Go pull turnips you turnipseed twerp. Plunk.

NO? Uh uh?? fish and crabs are NOT animal abuse. Kerplunk SPLASH!

You like bees?? We don't got no bees. Yet. Is that an omen?

Yeh we could use a bee hive for honey, but better check your friends about stings and allergies first. Well, just a courtesy.

Laundry again? I don't see anyone running around neked. We got a seamstress job I don't know about?

Diapers yes, but where's all these baby clothes coming from? Some crate you didn't ask if I should open?

What's with the carrying water to the crops again? Didn't you see all the raindancers?? Go fish!! Kerplunk.

Old lady there, who are you telling stories to all alone? They've already heard them 20 times already. NO NO DANCING at your age or it will be your last dance. See? todja, dust to dust.

Anybody know who just died? I don't. Ole Mister Bill will be next slow as he's walking, don't need a crystal ball for that.

Oh sorry little girl, didn't see that mob coming when you found the mushroom. Where did you go? Splat? Oh, you came out the bottom and made it to the bin. Kudos. You should go far in life (if you EVER grow up)
Judy, CNC, Certified Normal Crazy