Laundry? What for, You wearing the same outfit since time began. I'm sure nobady will notice!
Darn Builders it takes them forever to end a task! Look at the Researchers they gain their Masters much quicker than every1.
What now, doing nothin doesn't get us anywhere, back to your chores you little tweeb!
Looking at my little ones to do work and it takes them forever to go from 13 to 14 - Grow up you can't hide behind the Mushrooms!
One was standing on the village center worrying about food, kicked her back into foraging - 'work frees your mind'
Going swimming? Don't forget to bring a fish!
Pushing the Boulder? Learn some healing while you there!
Excercising eh? Research excercises your brain!
Party, Party, Party, GC spoils you rotten, hey who had that recipe for poisoning him? If I get my hands on that recipe than the party is finally over.