This is so funny! I've said many of those!

"Do NOT tell me NO!" ("no, not you honey, my builder." said to my child.)

"You have been trying to learn for hours now. Just figure it out already!" ("no, not you honey, my farmer." said to my child.)

"Stay at the darned table!!!" ("no, not you hon, my researcher." said to my child.)

"While you're swimming don't you think you could grab a fish?!"

"Come on darn it! You Are a Master Farmer and can see the strange fish, just catch it already."

"The rock hasn't moved since your grandmother's time, leave it alone already!"

"Quit kneeling in that field!!! The kids are peeing in it!" "Oh great, so now you want to go for a swim to wash it off?!"

"What are you staying in that hut so long for? She's left already. Oh that's right, you're male and sleeping now!!! ;-D "