I've been revisiting the mobile games lately, and I can't help but look back fondly at some of the older ones. I remember when Fish Tycoon 2 and Virtual Town released and I really enjoyed seeing everyone react to them here! (Man, I miss all the old users... Come back!)

Anyway, I decided to redownload some of them after years of finishing them, and it's obvious they haven't been updated for ages. They really need an update to fix the issues that have popped up recently.
There's a bug in Virtual Town where you can't log into Facebook anymore, so any town saved to your account is inaccessible. Also the Movie Theater no longer shows ads so you can't win prizes. In Fish Tycoon 2 we still can't reset the game, so we can't replay it once we've finished or start over if we can't progress anymore. Virtual Villagers Origins 2 has a broken pause button which hasn't been fixed since 2020-2021. And I've accidentally saved over my games multiple times when logging into Facebook, or choosing the wrong account to import save data from.

It's basic stuff like this that makes or breaks the enjoyability and replayability of a game. It's one thing to stop producing new content updates for a game, but it's another to stop fixing bugs and letting them accumulate.

What other things have you guys noticed that really should be changed?
I love all LDW games smile My faves are VV3/4 & VF2!