I had a family going and got them to gen 8. Yesterday I did a factory reset on my tablet and started new game. The version I am playing now is completely different from the version I had been playing. I didn't write game id down so wasn't able to have old game restored. But I'm really curious as to why the different versions, especially when both were downloaded from same place..play store.
Watching ads only gives 30 coins when it was 200 before
I now have a TO DO list that pops up that I've never seen before
Home improvements are priced lower but some also don't unlock til gen 8 or 9 when in previous game I had unlocked them much earlier in my gens, like 2 or 3.
selling collectibles gives a bit more money, before it was 100, now its around 150 or something close (didn't calculate the difference).
Also as a test I downloaded game onto hubbys tablet and on his is the same version I had before. So confused about this frown
Anyone have insight as to why this is? Is it a glitch or what?