Hey Miss Kathy,
GBU 2.
I just did the forging of the gold nuggets for the yellow statue, now crafting mixed herbs for my fertilizer to "craft" my yellow glass for the yellow statue. Got my 3 master scientists "lying in wait" to be "enlightened", whatever that means in the game. "Maybe by tomorrow night" I'll have the yellow statue "finally" made and can finally "move on" more into Chapter 1 and "finally start" Chapter 2. At the moment forget how many more puzzles for that.
Thanks for all the help you and Kegean have given to me, in getting me thru the game. Been "frustrating" at times, but will continue to "perserve and conquer" VOS2, just like I have "perserved and conquered" the other VV's games over the years.
GBU and yours.