Hi all.
GBU all 2.
I'm "hopefully" will be "almost ready" for Chapter 2 by this weekend. YIPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE. "Crafting" cement as we speak, and only have to get the forged bucket. I "should" have it "done" by the weekend.
My "concerns", as "little as they are":
1. Do I have to "restart" my game?
2. "Retrain a new "crew"?
3. Does Lemur "travel" with me to Chapter 2? Or do I get a "new helper" in it?
4. "Recraft" a lot of the "old stuff" for my "new crew"?
5. Will there be "new stuff" to build, craft, or new "techs" for my "new crew" to "learn"?

Looking "forward" in "exploring" more of Isola with my "crew".
GBY and yours.