I've seen some postings here in the forums, and I've seen some youtube videos about certain puzzles if I get stuck. And I'm noticing some differences between the free to play version of this game, and the one that is purchased through Big Fish Games (which is the game I have).

What I want to know, is are there some things you get, or can do, with the free to play version that you just don't get with the purchased version?

For example: I never got the Huron... of course, I don't have the rock that his nest is perched on, either... am I supposed to somehow craft that nest?

I've made a holiday light, and I've seen in a videos that there is a way to string holiday lights in the trees, but I haven't been able to do that.

There seems to be a tree house that can be built... but I have never received that option.

And then there are the resources that I can't seem to do anything with, such as the reeds and needle grass, the silk once it's made, the holiday light, the steam and the energy. Am I just wasting time gathering and crafting these things?
From the Darkness she comes, the light shows no form, yet tranquility proceeds, the accursed Storm...