I've played Plant Tycoon on and off since I first got it, back in 2007. I usually play big, meaty role-playing games, like The Witcher or Baldur's Gate, but sometimes I'm in the mood for a game where nobody's trying to kill me. smile

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of September, and I've been home since then, recovering from a mastectomy. Not only am I not in the mood to play a game where someone's trying to kill me -- my own body is handling that already, thanks -- but I'm not healthy enough to be alert enough to play such a game.

But Plant Tycoon is there! I can play in brief periods, which matches my recovering-from-surgery energy level, and there's something soothing and uplifting about growing pretty flowers, even electronic ones. Though I wish I never had to grow those Venomous ones. laugh

So, I just wanted to say thanks! I know that game developers mostly hear from people who have a problem with a game, and I wanted to let you know that you were helping a sick person during her recovery. I start chemotherapy next week, which everyone tells me is MUCH worse than surgery, but luckily Last Day of Work makes games that can be played in brief snatches of time, which works very well with the amount of energy that sick people have.

I played Virtual Villagers long ago, but can't figure out where, so I just bought another copy, directly from LDW this time, so I'd have another game suitable for playing in fits and starts during chemo.

Anyway, thanks so much! (I'm not at my best while ill, so I hope this post made sense.)

Edited by Corylea (10/17/18 08:07 PM)
Middle-aged professional woman still plays computer games. Film at 11.