Making the soup is a very important step in the Red Statue puzzle!
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Kids love to gather herbs for making soup and there happen to be 3 types of herbs around that can be used: Sweet, Soapy, and Spicy. To make that soup, a villager is going to need some stored Water - check the Crafting Hut! Give the Water to a villager to take it to the Cooking Pot. Drop a villager on the Preparation Table to add the herbs to the soup water. Remember, just like the Oven, the Cooking Pot is going to need a source of heat. Heat the Cooking Pot by dropping a villager on the pile of rocks by the Fire Pit to heat them. Make sure that all the soup gets eaten while it's hot. Now that the villagers are full of soup, 24 hours later, the braids will wash up to shore.