Thank you for your answer Xay,

So you are saying to adjust the settings on my PC-screen everytime I want to play a VV game, and adjust it back to normal again once I stop playing? The resolution on my screen is 1920x1080 which is the recommended resolution.

Also in my graphic software (GeForce GTX 760 (192-bit)Nvidia) is not an option to set the screen for a game to 4:3. Normally those options should be made possible in the game itself, as far as I know .. The problem is that I can't find those options in none of the VV games.

Like I mentioned before: The first versions of all VV games are displayed perfectly on my screen, no 'letterbox', real fullscreen. So I would like to have those settings in the NEW versions as wel, but I can't find those settings in the files of the games.

So I am forced to play the oldest versions of the VV games just because those settings can't be adjusted like they should. That is why I would like to know what else had been modified in the updates of the games, in other words, what am I missing playing the oldest versions.

Hope you know what I mean smile
'Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.'
~ Albert Einstein