Hey there! So, strangely enough, this isn't my first post- this is my second. But anyways! Hi! I'm KalnaZatos- just call me Kalna. I'm an artist and well-- a fan of LDW. Their games have built some of my childhood- I've been playing their games for as long as I can remember, actually. I still love coming back every time too. (If I'm being honest, LDW had the more higher quality games on BFG anyways wink )

Ahh-- I guess there isn't a whole lot to talk about myself, huh? Well, I suppose as I said, I'm an artist, so I draw-- I'm working on my background painting abilities and such, so this is good practice for me! (Drawing nature and all for any Virtual Villagers fanart is good for me lol) I'll possibly post a good amount of art that I make related to LDW games-- so I guess I might as well consider the art part of the forum my home! (I kid!)

Anyways, that's about it for now, I think-- I'm excited to meet all of you and be your friends-. If you have any questions I suppose just ask and I'll answer to the best of my abilities!