I had the same problem, I wasn't able to pick up the blueberrries, til I fertilized the second round of rhubarb and strawberries. Maybe If I hadn't planted those seeds I could've grabbed the blueberry? And now I'm stuck staring at a bunch of strawberries that look ready, but I can't grab.

Also the vines on the far right suddenly started taking muuuch longer to re-generate than the other three.

And a couple of my villagers stopped mid-task and I can't seem to re-trigger the event.
- My villager took the jump potion but never made it to the ruby. (I'm assuming I need to devote another 22 hrs to making another one.)
- And I had a chief who got a building idea, and then never started the statue.

Also, I assumed we'd be able to change outfits in the clothing hit?