Here are my ideas for VV Origins 2, keeping in mind that I did not take part in the beta.

1. Keep it mostly like other LDW games, as in, no pointless Micro transactions, some are ok, but don't do what EA did and make it very hard without In app purchases, if need be, let me buy the Game so I don't have to deal with ones that are annoying.

2. More skills, and more techniques to learn.

3. Build better houses, not as in, "western Houses" or whatever, but different styles of natural Housing to find styles that work best.

4. Natural disasters (can be turned off, but could add a challenging element.)

5. More ways to spend Tech points, so for Building create 4-6 levels instead of 3, same with Learning etc. that is if the Tech system works the same way as it used to.

6. Edit a Villager where we can choose from around maybe at least 10 different hairstyles for each gender with a few different colours, and edit basic facial features to a degree and also pick and mix clothes, traditional and also clothes like Denim Jeans maybe, for those who want it to seem like it is modern kind of, not hoodies etc. though. let us choose from a few colours for each.

7. I mean well here, but, have Villagers who are Same Sex attracted, only on Player Choosing though, so as not to upset people with differing views on the matter.

8. Skin tones give us a variety of skin tones.

9. When our villager ages to 14 let us pick 1 trait they will have, they can be personality traits, Fast Runner etc. then let us choose 2 more when they turn 18. these can be more than likes or dislikes and would add a bit of depth to our villagers.

10. Let Villagers Socialise, it would be good to have more leisure activities for our villagers.

11. Give us many herb species, possibly over 25 would be good, let Villagers become experienced at herbs.

12. Let Villagers craft even more items out of things such as plant leaves, animal skin and Cotton and Hemp.

13. Let Mum and Dad Villagers Parent more, discipline Child when naughty, praise when good etc. let Grandparents do some grandparent stuff.

14. Let young Villagers be taught.

15. Let our villagers say gibberish to each other sometimes.

16. have a relationship meter, let Villagers disagree.

17. Let our villagers cook.

18. Give them dancing to watch or do art etc.

19. at least 64 puzzles.

More to come, post your suggestions here, I am being ambitious but that is what we need.