Originally Posted By: supermiguel
Today is a day of celebration. I love Virtual Families but Virtual Villagers has had a lasting impression on me over all these years since the very first game that I tried YEARS ago, that got me hooked into the franchise. This is something only Virtual Villagers could give me. Sorry, Virtual Families. Still love you though! This news makes me so excited! THIS summer?! It is already summer! I CANNOT WAIT to see what is going to be published next! I have been waiting for so long! This might turn out to be a good Summer after all! Virtual Villagers for the win! laugh

I really enjoy the design flexibility of Virtual Families. The challenges of deciding what furniture to place in each room is intriguing to me. I would like it if we could choose the layout of the house also, but realize that isn't practical.

ON the other hand, the unique story line behind each installment of the Virtual Villagers series is what endears them to me.
VF is cool, but VV ROCKS!!!
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry