My favorites are the Silky Spotanus (of course wink my all-time favorite), the Tiger Shark ;), Canary Fire Arrow, Orange Snooper and Speckled Leaffish (violet is cool!). My favorite species are Spotanus, Carp, Bananafish (my all-time favorite food is Banana), Snout, Flashfish (PINK! my all-time favorite color grin), Goldbulb (cute), Grouper, and Snooper (rhyme lol). My favorite fins are Crimson, Speckled, and Silky. My favorite Magic Fish is the Crimson Comet. My favorite Perfect Fishes (a perfect fish is one whose fin matches with the body, eg. Fanned Snout) are the Fanned Snout, Orange Fruitfish, and Pink Fatfish. I love all the fish in the game wink Arrowfish and Quicksilvers are quirky lol

Edited by SilkySpotanus (01/25/17 09:55 AM)
Edit Reason: forgot a few species
Life's mysteries make it wonderful. Silky Spotanus, Jalapa Maranta & Roseceae Fern FTW!