Just a minor request, but is it at all possible to tone down the colors and/or add some more neutral colors of flooring and wallpaper in VT? Mainly the wallpaper as the flooring isn't quite as jarring anyway.

Also, can you guys check to make sure the plant stuff that is supposed to make the plants have a higher chance of producing a mutation (not the plant mutation stuff, but the stuff that makes them sparkle) is actually working? The five plants I've tried it on have NO new plants around them and it's been four weeks since I used it and yes, they are all planted next to each other in a bunch with no gaps. Oh, and no bees or butterflies will land on them.

One other thing, why won't bugs ever land on any fruit trees or on any of the other trees you can buy at the store? Only on the trees that were already in the game when it started. Is that on purpose, or just something that was overlooked in the programming? If it was on purpose, could you change it back?

Well, thanks for listening and thank you for such a fun game.