In what town does the mayor run errands for the resident citizens? Only in VT and I t's actually quite ridiculous. Let's face it, running these errands become old very fast. I'm board already and I've only been playing for a couple months. But somtimes my townies have hayfever, sometimes they're looking for keys, why can't I offer them a box of Kleenex when they have hayfever? Every time I've tried it just drops on the ground. Seems if the townies are actually experiencing something like hayfever and I have a box of Kleenex in my inventory, I should be able to spontaneously offer the miserable townie a Kleenex to help them out. Or if they're looking for keys, why can't I offer to help them search? This would at least add another layer of interest and spontinaity to the game, as it is now it's frustrating being limited to being the town gopher.