Please make it rain more often in the town. I don't know when and how does it rain in VT but if it's following weather of player's city then it's not going to rain here for at least next one or two months. Make it rain in town at least 3-4 times a week, no matter where do we live and how is weather conditions there. ( it never rains in my VT) frown

I want it because-
Firstly I need few bugs which I haven't been getting coz of this rain and secondly I won't have to water my flowers daily.
I've so many flowers planted all over the town.

I hope you understand that it's not easy to water all the plants daily that too twice a day. If they'd need water only once a day that would've been better. I've already sold so many flowers because of this but I don't want to sell them all . They look awesome especially near fountains, Buddha etc.

You've made everything in this game so easy now, so please add this feature also. Either make it rain more often OR plants should need water once a day only OR it would be awesome if you could add both options. laugh
