Originally Posted By: erindors
I,m at a loss what the game is about,can someone please explain as at the moment I'm just walking round in circles

VT is sort of a combination of an adventure game and a tycoon game. There are elements of farming games and collection games. If you play steadily, you will run out of things to do on some days and then it seems like "walking around in circles". Other days you'll be pressed to finish the day's tasks and still manage to tend to your real-life job, housekeeping, and car payments. Some people really enjoy this sort of game, and others have different preferences - if you really love time management games above all, VT will be a real stumper for you because it is a long view game. You can't blaze through it. Here are some comments specific to your state in the game right now (hidden because there are spoilers):
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Did you plant the seed? It will take about a day to grow into a mature plant. After that, pick it, because someone wants it. Take it to different people in the various town businesses until you find the right person. This sub-plot is the first of a set of puzzles that reveal the story line to you.

Are you hiring your townspeople to work on projects? Currently the lake needs work and the bridge is broken. Click on the signs that say "Beware" near these features to learn more. Each town project takes several real-time days to finish. While that is going on, you can build your bank balance by catching bugs and doing whatever Mrs. Mottershead asks you to do.

You will need coins to progress in the game, so take note of what each project costs per day and set that aside, then spend as you wish in the General Store and on Town Upgrades, which are purchased in Town Hall. You can also buy House Upgrades in the Bank and later you will be able to buy clothing in the Boutique.

Try to find one of each bug, mineral, and plant to donate to the Museum. Keep your town clean by cutting grass, filling holes (plant veggies in them or use the shovel to fill them), and picking up trash.

Watch the meter over on the left side. As it goes up, you will get additional townspeople if you have enough food for them as well. One veggie plant or one mature fruit is equal to one food source. If you tap on the meter it will tell you how many food sources you need. For instance, if you need 7 food sources, you need 7 carrots, or 3 carrots and 4 potatoes, or 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, and 3 tomatoes - anything that equals 7. Fruit trees don't bear fruit every day so I don't count on them for my totals, although they do count.

Hope that helps!