There are places that you cannot put a fountain, notably in the center of Town Square which is where everyone wants to put it! grin If you can't place it, the banner message across the top will say "You cannot place that here!" and there will be a red "Cancel" button on the left side of the screen. (If the Cancel button doesn't work, drag the fountain to a place where it is okay, then the Cancel button will work.) My example is with a streetlight, not a fountain.

If it's in a legal place, the top banner will say "Placing New Feature." and on the left side of the screen you will have three buttons: a green one saying "Tap Here to Confirm Position", another green circle with arrows that rotates the item, and the red Cancel button. Tap the one that says Tap Here to Confirm Position if you are satisfied with the position AND rotation of the item.

The first time I placed a Butterfly Crossing sign, I didn't know to rotate it so I ended up looking at the back of the sign. Unfortunately, once an item is placed it can't be moved (wishlist!) so be sure you like the placement.