My first was VV1, i found this on Reflexive (R.I.P)
it was 2006 and i was 5 YO i didn't know English.
I told my big brother if we can buy this and he bought that for me.
i started playing it, after a while i figured out what farmin, building etc. means, and i was trying so hard for biggering my village.
but my village always die after i run out of berries.
i didn't know i should upgrade farming first, i always spend my Tech points on ceapier things.
i never could solve more than first five puzzles.
i remember my favorite peep from my first village, Koka the little girl, she died without having chance of being an adult, i still remember her face, clothes, voice.
i was cried when she dead.
umm okay it's a bşt too long.