Thankyou Candy_63, you're very kind.

Hey KingMellow11 thanks,

The barrel/ponds/jacuzzis are done by placing the pools over them and making them (the pools) invisible. [via Gimp, Photoshop or other] Important: you must set your pools in place before you change it.
[see images below for placement of pools]

The extra peeps are a result of manipulation of the pet grid, those peeps just mimic the programed actions of the pets (just there for show). I'll PM you more on this later KingMellow11.

The attached file contains the blank (PoolChildrensStd.png & PoolLargeStd.png) and the two shower curtain pngs that match that modified map.

I will add these changes to my Virtual Families 2 Complete Modified Map post. click here

VF2 Curtains & Pools for modded (66 downloads)