There are two ways this could happen:

1. A random event, similar to the barrel of babies in other VV games. Something like, "Tapu has heard of Aponi's great beauty and traveled from his tribe to ask for her hand in marriage. Does Aponi accept?"

If Yes, Tapu joins the tribe as a regular member. If No, Tapu wanders off again.
I think this is very good idea. wink Taking my own experience from VV3,an event brought one adult villager regardless of my Yes or No.But actually I didn't need him.I also want all random events should be such concrete and more special,not only just mokeys left/picked up some foods,somebody got sick,,,whatever. tired

2. A deliberate event instigated by the player. This could be done via an Upgrade Villager menu, and you could choose to send that particular villager for a price (the villager would leave for, say, half an hour and then come back with a stranger) or as an option on the Tech Point menu.
I'm very interested in your word Upgrade Villager menu.If this was added to one of the upgrades permanently,definitely would be a good solution in case that your villagers now that became small cluster of all female/male as you once got stuck. grin

Or maybe there could be a pathway that your peeps have to clear as one of the puzzles, and once it's cleared, you could drag and drop an adult peep there and that would bring up a menu ("Does Tapu want to recruit a new member from another tribe? Cost: 1000 food/5000 tech points")

You wouldn't actually visit or see the other village; it would just be a way of gaining more population. There could be a timer set on it or something to prevent people overusing it.
Sounds really splendid and I like that way.Temporary employment-this means visual freshness to me to see new people and quite good instant support. smile
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