There are no official LDW "rules" like the one you mention, Austin, and we would really appreciate it if you don't quote unofficial forum comments anywhere else. We have always provided support for our games, regardless of where they were purchased.

That being said, unfortunately, many of the websites that sell our games decide not to offer our updates once we release them. When we update our Windows/Mac games, those websites receive the update as well. However, we cannot force them to offer the update to their customers. The best thing to do in that situation is to request the update directly from them, in the hope that they will receive enough requests to offer it.

Other game distributors use game managers or other forms of DRM (Digital Rights Management) software that we do not use. It would be impossible for us to know how another company's DRM software interacts with our game. We do help players when they contact us about issues with one of our games, but sometimes, if the issue is related to another company's software, we do send players to that company for a resolution.

It is also important to note that there are many places to purchase games and each customer must decide for themselves where they wish to take their business. That is, of course, the right of every customer. However, because we are a very tiny, family-owned game studio, we are unable to simply replace games that were purchased elsewhere. We do offer discounts for customers who contact us when they are having difficulties with one of our games that they have purchased elsewhere.

I hope this answers some of your questions.
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