Originally Posted By: arnie
The maid and gardener only stay for a while, then they disappear again through the portal between the gate and front door that they use when they arrive. They don't seem to work all that late in the evening so there's not really much point to another button, IMO.

No problem archie, I was just posting ideas since Xay said the developers actually read this part of the forums. I posted a LOT of ideas... so if that's the only one you don't like in the words of my grandmother, I say "cool-beans"! :-)

I just thought it would be nice to have more control over when they work so if you wanted to get rid of them faster so the little peeps could have some privacy for making babies you could give them the day off. But, it's ok if we have to wait until they finish cleaning and go home.

Each of my familes have millions of coins so it is no problem for me at all. I just fire them and rehire them the next day. :-D