Originally Posted By: halfadime
I have 2 families running. My pet peeve is that every time i open the game, both families are sick. They have plenty of food and rest and I'm tired of spending so much money on these illnesses. Any suggestions on how to give them better health all around? I've tried the fruits and vitamins. VF1 had sickness, but never anything like this. This time consuming and costly.

That annoys me a lot as well. What I did that seemed to lessen the problem is to give them different kinds of food. I was only giving organics, mostly grains, as they are cheaper. I decided to change to the regular food, but buy one of each kind; since I started doing that they are not sick all the time anymore.

I had a great time playing VF 1, but I must confess I'm not liking VF2 that much. There's the illness issue, everything is really expensive. I'm on my 15th generation and I could only afford 2 house upgrades so far. frown
"Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing."
William Shakespeare