Ok, I was floord when I read this from Xay....

It may not be apparent from our Web presence, but we are a tiny independent game studio with a handful of people doing all of the work, and this feedback forum is where we look for game suggestions.

I hadn't taken any time to read even the about us page since I am only interested in playing the game and having lots of fun with it. Xay's comment gave me pause. So, I took some time to learn a little about LDW. I can tell you it totally blew me away. LDW creates awesome games which makes them appear to be MUCH MUCH LARGER than they are. I thought for sure there were dozens of people behind it. WooHoo way to go!

Ok please know when I post suggestions here...THEY ARE IN NO WAY COMPLAINTS. There is no way I could ever complain about a game that got me so wrapped up in it that I cried real tears when one of my little peeps died of old age.

This is only the second game ever to make me cry and the first one was only because I had spent my life savings over $85K (real money) and nearly lost my (real life) house over it. Won't be doing THAT again.

No Dead Children Please: If one of my litte kids ever dies I will have to delete the game, no matter how much I love playing. I'm just sayin'. Been through that in RL don't want to go through that kind of pain in a game. Suggestion... how about not letting kids die (as long as they are fed, baithed, and attempts at medical care have been given). If they are still really sick we could have an option to send them to the hospital where they can stay until they go to collage or they could even return home from the hospital after being ill... as long as they were not old enough for collage yet. That would be cool. Then just like celebrating promotions, the family could join in celebrating return of family member (or something like that),