I am in my 6th generation in my game. In 4 of my generations I have had kitchen workers. I have bought 8 kitchen upgrades to date. My "dad" in this 6th generation does not ever finish a work cycle while I am watching. It doesn't matter if I put him there or if he goes over to the kitchen on his own. I have read the earlier posts about peeps not working in the kitchen and I am wondering if this is part of the same "bug"? I have not had any problems in any of my earlier generations with my peeps not finishing work cycles. Even when I bought the spice rack I did not have any problems. When I come back to the game after having been gone awhile I do see that he has made progress. So I know he has been working while I'm away. He has no dislikes at all. So, as I said, is this part of the same bug or is this just a quirk of this particular peep?
There just aren't enough hours in the day to play.